I think I have found some glitches in Wizbooks...
I added a ninth stage to the default schedule. This works but the description of the ninth stage does not appear on the runs. Schedule Stage is blank.
More seriously, I created my own schedule with three stages. Again the descriptions don't appear but, much worse, when you call the run, the last called date is not updated.
I'm keen to have my own extra schedule (specifically for blue book runs, to call them more frequently than other runs) how long would a fix take? Is there a workaround?
I will need to investigate this to see what is going on, it is a minimum of about 2 week turn around on all fixes, basically I have to find the bug, code the changes, test the changes, make sure the changes don't impact elsewhere then submit to Apple, they take anything from 7-10 days to test the apps before they get released onto the app store, but I think there is a lot of half completed work in that app at the moment so all those items need completing too before release.
Hi Alex
Thanks. Would you let me know when the fix is done?
I need to know if this is an iPad or an iPhone that is not working, basically looking through the code there is code missing on the iPhone version that is working ok on the iPad version, I have now updated the iPhone version's code, I have tested the descriptions and they are following, but I have found in the past if a run is part way through a schedule and a new schedule entry is added it is ignored unless the schedule is reset by re-starting a run (e.g. getting it wrong), it is very complex trying to add entries once a run is part way through, because the potential is that an entry can be added at any point in the schedule this could potentially become the next or the previous entry for a specified run, so only when a run is reset will it pick up all the changes for sure.
The fix is done for the last called for the iPhone now, but I have a ton of work to do before I can release this version so not sure of timescales sorry.
I had the problem on an iPad.
I can imagine this is a complex area but I still thInk there is something wrong. Could you have another look? Can I send you examples?
I will have to run more tests on the iPad to see where the problem is then