* when I hold down the button of one of my bike lists it gives me an option to revise what ever stickies I have in that bike list but every time I press revise stickies with in that bike list its says " you don't have any sticky points" when I know I do have some within that bike this , I've done this on every bike list I have within the app and comes up with same message
* I've created a bike list of about 150 of newest points that I have pointed , and when I've revised them for 4/5 days or so I usually delete a point from the bike list that I'm confident that it's sunk in and I know it . The problem I'm having is when I go to delete a point some times it will delete the point off the screen then sometimes it doesn't , just literally when I press delete off bike list sometimes the point will come off but sometimes it won't.
Last thing is when you kindly sorted out my database for me the other day and got it working again after the update when I now go to the sites option in maintenance screen it doesn't come up with any sites any more I have to use safari or google etc to bring up the points or Wizzan forum up .
Sorry for the long message Alex but thought u would want this brought to you attention and just wondered if there's anything you can do to fix this
This is my email if you wish to contact me on that instead
1. is a bug, I have fixed this in the next version, bike lists stickies only work if they have been revised once, this will be fixed in the next version.
2. I will look into this issue.
3. This is fixed in the next version, Apple have changed the security in IOS, the next version has the updates required.