the radius points come up on my phone with radius name ie surrey st and etc all 640 but on ipad only surrey st comes up and nothing else
If your running 3.0.17 please read this document specifically point 22.
WizAnn Points 3.0.18 (being reviewed by Apple at the moment)
it explains a workaround until the next version is released.
thanks alex now how do i get the map up when i press the screen and add notes to the point as you have probably noticed i am new to the app
Have you purchased the pins from WizAnn, you either buy this or plot your own, the pins from WizAnn is more than 14,000 plotted points.
i bought them but on an iphone i cannot use and dont know how to transfer so i will just buy again
You don't buy them twice, you need to move the database using itunes, there is a document on here that describes the process of moving the database around.
for some reason itunes wont download on my laptop
not sure what is going on there, but you must use itunes to do the move.
tried sending my device information just comes back cant connect to outgoing server tried everything giving up now sent the information to dean via facebook messenger as i can recieve emails