Since downloading pinning app to my points app I have had nothing but trouble, after a lot of messing about and phone calls to dean I eventually got the pins working to the map. This however has stopped working and has completely slowed down my points app. Basically all I can do is now use the points revision as I used to, but with no pins, however there is such a delay between me tapping the answer box, and the answer ( up to 10 seconds ) that I am finding it very frustrating and slow. I've have read all the forums and you say it could be a iPad storage problem. I have basically wasted 2 days of studying, please could you tell me how to delete the pinning part of the app from my points app. Thank you
The pinning app crashed multiple times when I was trying to access a list or create one. I contacted customer service and they could not help me. They sent my issue over to the team that deals with technical issues and it has been a week and no response from them. Meanwhile, I also read best essay writing service reviews for hiring different writers to write my academic content. Sad to see how an item that was once so good has fallen apart and how poorly all of the issues are being handled.
I'm a big fan of pinning apps. I use it all the time, and I think it's a great way to share information with friends, family and co-workers. However, there are some things you need to know before you start pinning apps to your home screen. Firstly, this is not an easy task. It takes time and practice to get it right. If you're new at this, don't expect to master it in one day or even in a few days. You can hire professional writers from source. Secondly, because people will be able to see your pinned apps on their own home screens and even on their lock screen (if they're using an iPhone), you need to make sure that what you're pinning is relevant for them as well as for yourself. Otherwise they may not want to see it or use it!
After a lot of messing about and phone calls to deanĀ I eventually got the pins working to the map. This however has stopped working and has completely slowed down my points.
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