There is a serious issue with the new points app, it has taken significant time to track down the problem and it is an admin error on Apple's site, basically the site holds all the beta builds of the app including release builds, I have said to Apple a few days ago to submit the latest build to the app store, instead they have released the very first build to the app store. The version you are all running is 3.0.0 this was the initial beta build for testing and not for release.
I have contacted Apple and are awaiting their reply, but there seems to be a significant issue with their website, I have taken screenshots of the issues and informed them, I am hopefull that they will expediate a review of another build of the app because the current build of 3.0.7 has the wrong build attached to it, whilst this is clearly an issue with Apple's system and their fault, blame at this moment in time is not my priority, getting everyone up and running is.
I understand everyones frustration, I really do, having just got my REQ I know what presure you all feel if you are on appearences, can I ask you all to think about a few things, firstly why change anything if you have an appearence looming, installing new versions of apps is not a good idea if you rely on them when you have appearences coming up, there was a reason why I held back from releasing this version until my last appearence, it was I did not need to go into panic mode when I have an appearence to worry about, of course you will say (and I will agree) things should not go wrong, but sods law dictates that things do, the day before my last appearence the late sheet was 15 minutes later than normal, I was climbing the walls, so I understand your stress. I am not trying to make lite of this situation but 1-2 days without the app really is not going to make the difference between having a good appearence or not, of course you want to feel fully prepared, do everything you can to score, actually the less knowledge you do the day before the better you will be, relaxing the brain and doing something other than knowledge is a good thing.
I am gutted by this situation, I have spent almost a year writing this version of the app, it was meant to be a real game changer and this has been tarred with this situation, to say I am angry at Apple for screwing this up is an understatement, my have had to tone down my emails to them as they were very unprofessional at first, so please accept my appology of what has happened and that I am commited to getting Apple to resolve this ASAP.
Last edited by Alex (7/30/2015 5:59 am)