I wonder if anyone can help? Since the update of the app I have noticed that searching on the “all points” option only produces unpointed results. I have tried every combination of the parameters all without any joy… times asked, status etc etc. Searching under a radius or a postcode brings back the results but not on the “all points.” Before, if wanted I wanted to revise specifics, say a chain of hotels, I would simply search something like “Hilton” in the point name. Now nothing is returned. Equally, if i wanted to look at a specific point i would use this method to search. Again, nothing now.
I have tried every option going from repair this and that, to verifying all options. I have also tried to “repair points” but this just seems to lock the app up. A mate of mine has the same problem and our apps and databases are completely independent of each other.
Any help would be gratefully received.
Hi Alex,
Could you help with this? I'm still having the same issues and it is a major pain!
Thanks very much,
Firstly make sure your running 3.0.18, make sure your filters are good, e.g. times asked is set high enough, last asked is far enough back in time and status = everything.
I have just tested it and mine lists 15 hilton hotels so something is amiss somewhere.
if you are can you email me your database, with specific instructions on what is not working so I can try it out on my device, my email address is
here is instructions on how to access the file using iTunes.