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Point Revision » Point to Point Map » 8/29/2015 2:06 pm

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Thanks for the reply mate.

Point Revision » Question Info button » 8/27/2015 4:52 pm

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When you choose this the start and end point info appears, Rd, Postcode etc it also shows restrictions.

I have restriction info on my points which I've added myself but each point when viewed using this feature (info) shows the restrictions as no (none).

How do I get it to display my restrictions?

Cheers Alex

Point Revision » Point to Point Map » 8/27/2015 4:34 pm

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Good evening Alex

I've just updated the points app which now has loads of features I've never seen before, one of which is the 

Point to Point map

When I try to choose this it tells me I don't have both points mapped.

Before I can use this function do I have no choice but to go through every point on my database and choose view the point on map and add a pin.

As always thanks for your help. (sorry if this is a dopey question)

Point Revision » Revising by times asked » 3/30/2015 10:18 am

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Is it possible to set up the app to revise points that have been asked within a certain range say between 1x Asked and 10x Asked, as apposed to revising down to a set level.

I'm asking as this would make it possible to target newly asked or rarely asked points without having to work through all the more commonly asked points.

Hope that makes sense.


Point Revision » Morning Alex, When a point is asked for the first time....... » 3/30/2015 9:18 am

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and gets added to the WizPoints app via the daily/weekly .wzp file it tends to have not been attached to a Radius.

Would you advise me to add each point to whatever radius I feel is appropriate (so it will be included if I wish to revise by radius points) or will this cause a duplication when the point is next asked.

Also and this is probably a very stupid question but here goes, is the best way to sort through and delete any duplicates to use the most times asked as an indication of which is the correct entry?

Thanks for your time mate. atb

Point Revision » Revising by Postcode » 3/25/2015 5:29 pm

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My postcode lists are quite large now and I can't always finish the whole list so I was wondering is it possible to save the place you've reached when revising so that you can return to it at a later date rather than having to start from the beginning each time.


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